AVANGRID Green Initiative

The Faxon Law New Haven Road Race is going to have their greenest event yet! The 2023 Green Initiative, sponsored by AVANGRID, strives to make the Labor Day Road Race more environmentally conscious and reduce the event’s carbon footprint. This year’s event will take the following environmentally conscious steps;

  • 100% compostable cups for water and eliminating single-use plastic water bottles

  • Compostable napkins, spoons and hot dog wrappers will be composted

  • Use of a hybrid lead vehicle

  • Recycled paper bags for packet pick-up

  • Collecting lightly used shoes (running shoes, casual shoes, dress shoes) that will be sent to Africa

  • Leftover food will be donated to local food banks

  • Paper used at event will contain recycled or partially recycled materials.

  • Fewer paper entries used with electronic race-day registration

    • Participants encouraged to register online on their phones on race weekend

With the help of volunteers from Yale Student Environmental Coalition and support from Peels & Wheels Composting, this year’s race will compost water cups, napkins, spoons, hot dog wrappers and uneaten food.  The City of New Haven Parks and Public Works Department is helping recycle plastic beer & yogurt cups, cans, plastic bottles and cardboard.